3 Keys To Protect Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Purity

March 18, 2023

Hey Friends!

Last week we covered the basis of purity. From what makes a person impure, what actual purity is, and restoration for it if you were someone who has lost it. Let’s talk about protecting your purity emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Boundaries, guarding your heart, and The Holy Spirit + Holy Spirit filled friends are key. 


These are your best friend. Whether it’s a relationship with your friends, family, significant other, spouse, coworkers, leaders, etc. it’s a great help. These are standards you are closely committed to that can’t be crossed. Whether or not people agree with what you choose is one thing but if it keeps you pure and keeps you protected then you cannot care what people think. Now when it comes to boundaries don’t be a fortress that’s unreachable but you need to have levels of security. If you’re boundary setting with a person then always honor the boundary that is stronger. If their weakness is stronger than yours then your boundary would be protected as all well AND theirs. Better to be safe than sorry! Boundaries are typically most discussed when people are dating but it’s something that needs to be done in all aspects. 

When it comes to purity, boundaries are the thing that will either set you up for success or failure. It doesn’t even only confine itself to physical acts but emotionally which then leads to your spirit as well. If a thought is planted in your head from an impure thought, something you saw, or a song you heard then it can lead to a physical action which then leads you to feeling dirty. That dirty feeling then leads you to a place of either repentance and genuinely turning around or continual sin that’ll harden your heart.


  • This one is most important in relationships!
  • Avoid the appearance of evil at all costs
  • If you would be embarrassed if your pastor, church, or the Lord would see it then don’t do it. The Lord sees everything
  • Don’t do things that will leave you feeling dirty
  • Honor the person with the stronger boundary
  • Let the Holy Ghost be your moral compass
  • Be honest with a friend, leader, significant other, 


  • Don’t feed negative thoughts and don’t let others
  • When you feel sad don’t wallow in self pity to make it worse
  • Don’t get caught up in conversations that are impure and can plant impure thoughts
  • Emotional purity is something that can 100% be taken from you
  • Set curfews on conversations if you’re in a dating relationship
  • Do not let a moment throw you into flesh filled feelings because that’s when you can slip into an impure thought that can lead to an impure action. Don’t awaken love before it’s time!


  • Monitor what you fill yourself with 
  • Let the Word be your filter
  • If someone around you is okay with doing something that makes you feel impure and doesn’t line up with the Word then walk away. If they can’t respect what your boundary is and why it’s wrong you don’t need to be surrounded by that
  • Be very cautious of who you allow to speak into your life 

Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 AMPC says to guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life. because that’s where the issues of life spring from. Don’t be a fortress but you need to protect YOUR heart so that you can do things in right standing with the Lord. Ultimately, guarding your heart helps you keep your boundaries. 


  • Don’t do anything physically that’ll leave you feeling dirty and that the Word would condemn
  • Don’t feed your fleshly desires
  • Remember that your body is a temple and belongs to the Lord so honor God


  • Avoid offenses and keep the peace
  • Be very conscious of personal things you share
  • Watch for red flags like manipulation, lying, etc
  • See with clear eyes, not rose colored ones
  • Don’t let someone tell what the Lord is supposed to share with you… like if the Lord spoke to them about being your spouse
  • Keep God in the equations of life
  • Keep your heart pure by looking at people as a brother/sister in Christ – NOT with lust in your heart
  • Matthew 5:28 says, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” It’s a two way street 


  • Don’t hold onto the past 
  • Speak life and fill yourself with the word

Holy Spirit + People Filled with the Holy Spirit

Romans 8:14 says that For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Being around people who are led by the spirit keeps you safe by default in the sense that they’re also being full of the word, the spirit, and moving in the same direction. If they weren’t I’d be concerned because bad company corrupts good morals (ref: I Corinthians 15:33). That’s not to say people aren’t human and won’t fail you but it’s good to have people who are looking to be like Christ because you can’t seek to be like Christ and be full of impurity.  


  • Let the Holy Ghost be your moral compass
  • Be honest with a good friend, leader, and your significant other about your weakest points and make boundaries to protect that


  • Don’t confuse your emotion with your spirit
  • Don’t feed your flesh 
  • You run your emotions, they don’t run you
  • When you’re emotional give your situations to the Lord and if needed go to a friend
  • If you have messed up don’t self condemn. Go to the Lord, repent, and set up boundaries to protect yourself from repeating the same mistake


  • There is such thing as wrong doctrine so watch whose preaching you listen to
  • Look at things through the light of the Word
  • Let your leaders in and keep them updated with what’s important. They want what’s best for you
  • Let people keep you accountable 

Romans 13:13-14

13 Let us live and conduct ourselves honorably and becomingly as in the [open light of] day, not in reveling (carousing) and drunkenness, not in immorality and debauchery (sensuality and licentiousness), not in quarreling and jealousy.

14 But clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah), and make no provision for [indulging] the flesh [put a stop to thinking about the evil cravings of your physical nature] to [gratify its] desires (lusts).

Protect your purity so that you can conduct yourself in an honorable way. Keeping yourself right before the Lord in your heart keeps your consciousness clear and is a way to take the stress out of living. Take the redemption and cleansing Jesus has so freely given to you and walk in it! Don’t abuse the grace given to you but keep it close to your heart. You are empowered to live pure!



Seek Peace + Pursue It

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