
May 27, 2023

Hey Friends!

First of all, HAPPY SATURDAY! I am back and coming to at you guys full swing (insert strong arm emoji here). With how much this past month of life has shown me alongside springtime I wanted to talk about blooming into your full potential. That might mean the way you look at yourself, ideas you might have, some habit adjustments, etc. But I want you to know that you can blow the roof off of yourself and keep growing. It all starts with the seeds in your life, how you water them, and opening yourself to full blooms just like this time of year shows us. 

It Starts With A Seed

Seeds are tiny but mighty. They bring us what covers such a vast amount of the earth. From grass, to flowers, and trees seeds play such a vital part of the world but in our lives the word is what we plant in our hearts and must water. Maybe you need to grow in the area of your thought life most, maybe you need to grow what the Lord has placed in your hands, maybe you need to grow in being sensitive to the spirit, and the list goes on and on. None of us have arrived ever! If there’s new parts of the Lord being revealed to the 24 elders in Revelation 4 then we certainly are always growing towards something. 

Mark 4:15-20. 

15 The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message, only to have Satan come at once and take it away. 16The seed on the rocky soil represents those who hear the message and immediately receive it with joy. 17 But since they don’t have deep roots, they don’t last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God’s word. 18The seed that fell among the thorns represents others who hear God’s word, 19 but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the worries of this life, the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things, so no fruit is produced. 20 And the seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear and accept God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”

What made the difference here is the soil the seed was planted in. What does your seed and soil look like? Is it murky and lacking nutrients? Do you have the right environment in your heart posture to grow the seed that’s the Word of God in your heart? Are situations going to make or break you? Evaluate yourself and set yourself up for success. If you plant your seeds in the right soil you know that a good harvest is coming your way full of abundance and life. Get rid of your bad seeds and get ready to water your good seeds!

Water the Seed

Nothing grows without water and maybe some sunshine… depending on the plant. Let’s just say someone keeps trying to keep plants alive and it hasn’t gone too well on my balcony. Think about the things in your life. What you put dedication to always grows. If you want to be a better dancer then you don’t just practice at your once a week lesson but you keep on going when you get home throughout your week. If you want to be smarter in a subject at school you do your homework and ask questions in class. Nothing that grows comes without effort. God waters the earth with the rain and gives us the sun and as long as we’re here seedtime and harvest will always exist (ref: Genesis 8:22). God puts effort into growing things then you can’t expect to do things and not put any effort into yet. You can’t grow in the Lord without cultivating a relationship and you can’t expect to see things in your heart come to pass if you sit on the couch watching tv all day everyday. The root to a lot of things is what we dwell on.

I like learning so let’s just say I really enjoyed school and I extra enjoyed understanding why people are the way they are sometimes. After reading some books and listening to some lectures I found out that when we dwell on a thought it actually starts to grow what looks like roots in our brain and then eventually you end up with what looks like a forest. Now this can be good… it can be bad… But it’s ultimately up to you. If you don’t water the word in your heart, if you don’t hide in your heart, if you don’t renew your mind then you will probably be the person in the parable who was shaken by life’s circumstances and the seed died. God always provides us a way out and steers us to Him. We have the choice. 2 Corinthians 10:5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. Replace the “we” with “I”, “people” with “me”, and “their” with “my”. The Word is for you so make it yours and insert yourself in there. Keep what the Word says to keep and grow deep in exactly that. 

Open Yourself To Bloom

Once you’ve opened yourself to the Word, learned what’s a good and bad seed, how to water and uproot, then you can prepare for a field of blooms. You can look forward to producing fruit. Look back to Mark 4:20 where it says that those who heard and accepted the Word produced such harvests. This can be you. YOU CAN HAVE THAT HARVEST! You can have a field of blooms. You are blooming! You are bearing fruit! That should look like you being radiant from being with the Lord, your confession being full of life, and your hand prospering whatever you put it to. Life on earth is too short to not do what God has called you to and to not see yourself through the light of the Word. Don’t be scared to step out and open your heart to all that Heaven has had stored up waiting for you. Start the business, look in the mirror and tell yourself you are bold/beautiful/called/anointed/blessed/etc, go and study the word, go research what it takes to make that idea come to life. 

Check your heart and uproot whatever thoughts aren’t producing life, whatever is choking out your ability to move forward with ideas the Holy Spirit has inspired, and etc. Our thoughts are like seeds that either need to be uprooted and or watered. Hold on to what is good and true in the word. What’s contrary has got to go! It’s time to bloom so get those roots deep in the word and stretch yourself towards the sun and be a flower in a world of weeds. As I’ve been telling myself “water the seeds, pull out the weeds”. You got this!



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