Don't Bury Your Gifts

August 14, 2024
Life Advice

Hey Y’all,

Have you ever felt like you could be doing more? Recently I have been so busy with work —though I do love it—I felt like something was just not enough. It took me a while to realize that though I am where I’m supposed to be, doing what I’m called to do, there are things that were placed in my hands that I had neglected. So in the moments where I’d ask the Lord why I felt like something was missing, I was reminded that there were things God put on my heart that I just let get lost in the busyness of my life (the blog being one of those things). So how do we know what’s in our hands and how do we not neglect it? 

Romans 11:29 

For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]

What are you passionate about? 

This is probably what you should ask yourself first if the Lord hasn’t already spoken to you or given you direction. Each of us has gifts and they don’t just leave you. They’re irrevocable! Irrevocable means not able to be changed or reversed. Isn’t that so cool? God gave us gifts that are irreversible! But what are you super interested in or just naturally good at and start there. People sometimes forget we need the Holy Ghost to infiltrate all areas. Yes, the fivefold ministry matters but so do people in your helps ministry, people in government, and business people.

When I was younger I loved music, I loved to read and write, and just being involved in the arts but I was always discouraged by so many that, that was no way to pursue a “career” and have stability in life. However, when the Lord calls you to something and you’re obedient there is blessing and provision there. 1 Corinthians 9:7 says, “What soldier has to pay his own expenses? What farmer plants a vineyard and doesn’t have the right to eat some of its fruit? What shepherd cares for a flock of sheep and isn’t allowed to drink some of the milk?”

You can be certain that whatever gift you have and put your hand to the Lord will bless. That’s what’s in His Word and you have to take that personally!

You can’t grow stagnant! 

This can be a tough one sometimes. The Word says in Galatians 6:9 to not grow weary in well doing. In college, we were always told preparation time is not wasted time. We catch a vision for a destination but we often don’t see the process it takes to get to our goals. Our job is to keep learning, keep being faithful, and let the Holy Ghost lead you in all things. 

When you are constantly doing things and haven’t gotten to what you see it’s normal to almost get a little frustrated but I want to caution you. Don’t throw in the towel and get stagnant because once you hit stagnance it’s a standstill. You can delay your process or even take steps backward. Be patient and just keep multiplying what’s in your hand. That verse in Galatians 6:9 goes on to say that in due season —that means when IT'S TIME— you’ll reap a harvest! 

Don’t bury what you have!

Matthew 25:14-30 is such a great story you should all go and spend some time reading and really try to learn from. I won’t dissect it right now but the moral of the story is don’t bury what you have and neglect it but go and put it to work and let it multiply itself. 

I will be the first to admit I was acting a lot like the foolish man and neglecting a lot of things. I started to slowly give up on my dreams and discouraged myself. It would be “This is not the priority” or “It can wait” which then turned into “It’s been too long and inconsistent so that looks bad” and from there, it was a spiral. Those were all just really bad excuses as to why I wasn’t being obedient. 

Being frustrated one day about not seeing what I wanted to see from my life two of my best friends at separate times set me straight. They both made a point to tell me that I’ve neglected the gift and was being disobedient. That was a big heart check. I had to get myself up put my big girl pants on and remind myself why I even started in the first place. It’s not that what I was doing with my life and am doing with it is wrong but I had to manage my time a lot better to do my work efficiently but also give time to the things the Lord has entrusted to me.

What’s next?

So here I am, being honest and writing again and making time for it because I actually love this little community even if a lot of what I write has encouraged mostly myself as I have had to get into the Word more and write the truth it’s been worth it and I know that a small beginning isn’t a bad one but one that God gets to grow. There are so many other things I know I’ll get to do in this life but there’s a time and place for everything. My job is to be patient, faithful, and continue to work at everything in my hands and it’s your job too!

Don’t give up on your dreams or talents. God has given you something special. If you feel there’s nothing in your hands just pray. Ask the Lord! When we invite Him into our life circumstances we can only benefit. Maybe you’re great with flowers like my roommate, or you have a knack for events, maybe you’re great at keeping a house sparkly clean, or maybe you know how to fix cars and understand them. All those things are gifts. I’ve always been told not everybody is called to the pulpit but that doesn’t mean the ones who aren’t are less than. Every part of the body matters!

Peace + Pursuit,


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