How to Deal with Heartbreak Pt. 2

October 5, 2022

Hi friends!

Soooo clearly we touched on how to deal with heartbreak BUT I have some more to say. We talked about running to the Lord, forgiveness, and embracing change but to finish up let’s talk about the power of prayer and community when healing from all types of heartbreak in life...

Step 4: Pray

Prayer is your friend. Prayer is your communion with the Lord. You need to pray and spend time in the word to grow your relationship with the Lord. It’s the most important relationship you’ll ever cultivate. Prayer is what carried me through my situation because it was the Lord who was with me all the time, it was the Lord I was talking to all the time. I didn’t watch tv, I didn’t even listen to much music, I just listened to the word, worshiped, and talked with God. My friends actually all paid to send me to Pittsburgh so I can go “do business with God” and get alone with the Lord me, myself, and I and just pray and go to services and receive. This is also a part of running to the Lord. But I positioned myself to just be even closer to the Lord and the way I positioned myself is through prayer. So choose to pray through your circumstance, commune with the Lord and watch things change. Prayer changes things. It changes your circumstance, it changes your perspective, it can make or break your circumstance whether it’s a lack of prayer or actually praying. Choose to pray! It’s never going to hurt you. 

Step 5: Community

One of my big things is community of course! Surround yourself with GOOD, SPIRIT FILLED friends, leaders, and family. Don’t be that person who curls up into a ball crying all day everyday in your room. If you gotta cry it out, cry it out but don’t stay there. Call up your friends, get dressed, get dinner, do all the fun things together. Let the people who truly love you pour into your life. The day my situation happened I had four of my friends show up on my doorstep and the next day a bunch of my friends made me get ready and took me to my favorite place. When I look back at that time I don’t see hurt or pain, I see how loved I am by the Lord because He brought the most wonderful people into my life. My pastors loved on me, welcomed me into their homes and poured into me. These people aren’t just people to me though. They’re the ones who know my best and worst days. They prayed with me, respected any boundary I set in place, and didn’t let me isolate. They let me have time with the Lord and alone time if it was necessary but they also were there when I needed it. One of my super close friends was on the phone with me recently and was just having some unfavorable situations pop up and I looked at her through my screen and said that if people don’t like you it doesn’t matter because why let your brain be occupied with someone who is not for you when you have other people you can think on who love you. Those are the people worth your mental energy, time, and love. Stop losing sleep over pain when you can go and laugh and if you feel you’ve lost all your friends, family, your significant other, etc remember God is with you if you let Him. He’s all the community, love, joy, comfort, and peace you’ll ever need! And to make it even better, as you trust the Lord and allow Him to help you He will bring you the right people to have in your life. 

You Are Not Your Heartbreak

Let go of your pain and hurt. Let go of the passive and negative comments. Choose to see people who hurt you through the eyes of Jesus. It will make a big difference because when you look at people like Jesus you can’t hold any bitterness, unforgiveness, or resentment. It frees you and who knows, maybe your compassion will move them to freedom too. You don’t have to live in your heartbreak and stay down. You can walk out of your heartbreak into joy and be carried by the Lord. These moments can be the moments that can make you stronger and actually more loving because of the Lord so choose to be made strong. I’ve had to get over relationships ending, friendships ending (though they were restored… I’ll share that story another day), and family members too. I choose to still love each of those people and you can choose that in life too.

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