It's Okay to Ask for Advice

February 7, 2025
Life Advice

Hi Friends!

Welcome back for another post, and if it’s your first time here, I’m glad you made it this far! I wanted to tell you it’s really okay to ask people for advice and it’s okay to lay out how you’re feeling about life. I had convinced myself I needed to know everything about everything and show no signs of uncertainty, but that’s actually so far from the truth. 

Proverbs 11:14 AMPC, where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. 

NO Wise Guidance + Falling

Let’s look at that in two parts. Where there is no wise guidance people fall. That’s actually a big deal. I was talking to someone recently about how two people who are struggling typically are unable to help each other get back on their feet. Think about it… If I have a broken foot and you have a broken foot we can’t ask each other to grab from the second floor of a house. 

Can two people who are getting it together keep each other accountable? Yes, BUT there’s gotta be a sound third voice that is filled with the Holy Ghost. A lot of times people will go to people who are in their boat or have a bias. Sometimes bias isn’t a bad thing but you don’t want to go to people who have a negative opinion on everything or are as just in a pickle as you are. When that happens you drag each other down and then you are stuck deeper than you already were moments before. Never gravitate towards the unwise for advice. That would be people who are offended, have ZERO fruit, or don’t direct you to the Word of God! Without the Word, we will always fall flat on our faces because there is no way to live life correctly without the Lord and His Word. The Word is THE handbook on how to do life. If somebody doesn’t point you to the Word that is a huge red flag – RUN!

Counselors + Safety

Counselors are not all bad and asking for advice/help is not a bad thing either. In fact, that same verse says in a multitude of counselors you find safety. Who doesn’t want to feel safe? In life, it’s easy to sometimes feel like there is too much going on to ask for help but actually, there is a lot of good that comes from seeking out advice from wise people like your leaders, pastors, and your friends who are grounded in the Word. 

I had recently felt like the weight of the world was on me. I felt like I had to make life-altering decisions in a short time frame because so much was changing around me. On top of that, I wasn’t sleeping well, was super stressed, and felt just about every emotion under the sun. Part of myself was convinced I didn’t need to talk to anyone but part of me also knew I desperately needed to get things sorted out. So what did I do? I went to the least biased person I knew that I looked up to. Little did I know the parallels this person’s life had with mine and it changed the actual course of my year and life for the better. What came with my reaching out for advice was a timely meeting that brought the peace of God into my life and where there’s peace from God you can rest ASSURED you’re safe. 

Reach Out!

I want to encourage you that no matter what’s going on if it seems like the worst of things or something uncertain it’s okay to reach out. You don’t have to carry everything on your own and you don’t have to walk through life alone. It doesn’t matter what role you have and if you’re someone at the forefront of what you do or in the background or even learning. I know I felt like I couldn’t because of what I do but that was just pride and silly thoughts because if anything I needed to humble myself and be honest. Once I did that so much freedom followed… and a little rebuke from the Lord that I definitely needed. If anything these things remind us how much we’re human people who need the Holy Ghost and people in our life filled with the Holy Ghost. The Lord brings people in life who are there to help pour into you and be a solid voice of reason. It is a beautiful thing when people come together to do life together and this is part of it. Never be embarrassed or ashamed of what you need counsel for. It is better to open up and get a resolve than to bottle it up! We were made for community and when your community is full of Bible-believing people only good can come from that. 

Till next time!


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