New Thing

January 20, 2023

Hi Friends!

Isaiah 43:19 says, “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.” I’ve heard this verse for years but it’s become more evident in my life and the lives of people around most recently. I see the Lord doing a new thing in people left and right. Friends, family, leaders are stepping into new things and letting the Lord do a new thing through them. Sometimes a new thing could be a creative idea that no one has thought up, or the Lord places something on your heart to do that might be out of your comfort zone, and the list actually keeps going. The Lord is never short on creativity – I mean look around you and even take a look in the mirror. His creativity is never ending. 

When you hear creativity you might think “oh she’s talking about painting, writing, dancing, instruments, etc” but it goes beyond that. Creativity doesn’t just exist within that niche. The truth is creativity is truly found when the Lord places something in your hands and you decide to run with it. Matthew 25:14-30 holds one of my favorite parables about talents and multiplication. 3 men were giving talents. One man had one, one had 5, and another had 10. The one with 5 and 10 turned that number into something bigger but the man with just one had buried it and it stayed as it was. Now, we don’t claim fear into our lives but a lack of growth or change should startle you. If you’re so good at putting together outfits why not start a business? If you’re super good at social media then why not turn that into something profitable? If you hate how things break around the house, who's to say you’re not the person to come up with a solution? Everybody has to start somewhere and when you are faithful with what you have God multiplies that and will even drop ideas into your spirit. 

Let go of feelings of “well this isn’t new” or “it has been done..” Remember that every person brings something different to the table. There are tons of bloggers, singers, pianists, songwriters but I could never let that get in the way because as Theordore Rosevelet once said, “comparison is the thief of joy” and it’s true. The difference between all the others is that they are their own selves and I’m my own person as well as you. Our experiences, encounters they change the way we present things. It might not be new to the world but it’ll be new to you and it’ll be presented in a new way to people. As my dad says to me, “there’s only one you and I can’t replace you.” Granted, that’s used in a lecture of why driving safe is important (which is is) but it’s true. Start with what’s on your heart and follow that and with time you’ll have ideas that only the Lord could’ve encouraged you to do such things. 

Be open, be available, be listening. Spend time with the Lord and truly hone in on what He’s speaking to you. Look around at what your natural abilities are. Maybe you have a natural eye for art, maybe you have a natural ear for music, maybe you have a natural eye for interior design, maybe you have a natural eye for organization. The question is what will you do with what you already have? Will you let the Lord do a new thing or will you stay right where you are? I recommend you let the Lord do a new thing and multiply what’s in your hand. It’s time for a new thing!

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