Serving is Leading

August 23, 2024
Life Advice

Hey Mates,

Welcome back to another week of the blog. This week I want to talk about a hit or miss topic: serving. Everything we do in life serves something whether it’s you, those around, the Lord, your community, your family, etc. The way you serve and who you serve matters! So let’s take a little journey shall we?

Luke 9:46-48 NLT

Then the disciples began arguing about which of them was the greatest. But Jesus knew their thoughts, so He brought a little child to His side. Then He said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.”

Matthew 23:11-12 NLT

The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbles, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. 

The Least is the Greatest

A lot of people want to be great and I believe people are called of greatness but it requires more than surface level things. It requires humility, patience, and meekness. One of the greatest things I’ve been taught is that if you’re going to lead, don't ask your people to do something that you wouldn’t be willing to do or haven’t done yourself. I’ve been asked to take out trash which may seem like a less important thing but I’ve seen my own pastors and leaders do it so it’s not beneath me. The only thing that should ever be beneath you is what is out of line with God’s Word. This is like being faithful with the little. If you can’t take out the trash, if you can’t do what you’re told, how can you expect to be the greatest? Be humble, be willing in your heart because the way up is the way down. Being the least requires you to think selfless. It calls you to serve the Lord first and to serve others but serve them well. Serve them as an example!

Serving IS Leading

When you serve, you are setting an example. We’ve all heard “monkey see, monkey do”. When you think about it everything you do is a result of natural learning at home and what you experience in this world. Anyone you look up to has taught you something or shown you something you have aspired to grow towards whether it’s good or bad. What if I told you there’s probably someone out there looking at you and aspiring to be even the slightest bit like you. You might not believe it but there is. Whether you have siblings, little kids you come across, your family, friends. You have the opportunity to lead those around you by serving. In John 13 we read about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. You know what this showed? That He was humble enough to serve those He was leading. The way we lead serves the people around us. They are learning from our examples. They see if we show up on time, leave things a mess or clean up after ourselves, talk back or submit, and the list goes on. Being a positive example serves people by showing them how to do things the right way and sets them up for success. Taking the time to speak with people and teach them, grow in the Word with them is also leading. One of the best examples of leading and serving is the relationship Paul and Timothy. He trained Timothy up and set him up to be successful in the ministry 

Multiplying for Generations

Leading by the Word is vital to today. The world is going into two directions only. You are are either saved and going to Heaven serving the Lord or you’re not. There is no middle ground. You are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-16). What you do matters and who you are around matters because you can either lead people towards a relationship with Christ or away from it. This is the team to learn from those above you and teach it to those younger than you and around you because as we do that we pass on this amazing gift of faith for each generation to walk in until the Lord returns and let me tell you… It’s not far away. Multiply yourself and keep the ball rolling!

Until Next Time,
Keziah-Grace Lopes

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