Settle It

October 4, 2024
Life Advice

Hi Friends,

I want to talk to you about settling things in your heart. I want you to be a sure person and standing firm on the Word of God and the decisions the Holy Ghost leads you into making—whether it’s college, deciding what you’re believing for and more. October is here so we’ve hit the final quarter of the year. We have an opportunity to work our faith but you need to settle in your heart what your expectation is and what you want to see. 

What Does The Word Allow?

First of all, we should only ever want what the Lord wants for us and thankfully that’s not a sad, depressed, anxiety, poverty filled life. In fact the Word has the answer to everything and not even just that, it tells us that God delights in the details of our lives. 

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

Throughout the Word we see everything the Lord has done was to set us up for a life of success and victory. We weren’t made for defeat and failure. The grand plan of Jesus coming to earth was for Him to make the ultimate sacrifice and make the way for us to have direct communication with the Father again. If you go and read Psalm 37 in its entirety, you’ll see that the Word allows us – in fact I would dare say the Word expects us – to own land, to be so blessed that we can help take care of others on top of taking care of ourselves, to be able to put our hands to something and see multiplication. It also shows us how to tap into peace and rest by casting all burdens and cares at the feet of Jesus. It allows us to lean on the Holy Ghost who is our comforter and is a helper to us. I could go on and on about what the Word tells us we can have but read Deuteronomy 28, Hebrews 11, and every page cover to cover. Take a hold of what the Word says you can have. If you don’t believe you can have it you won’t ever imagine it which means you won’t ever see it in the physical. 


Proverbs 23:18 says “The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.” 

It doesn’t even say it would be cut off short, but that it wouldn’t be cut off at all. I think people have an issue with this area because they allow physical circumstances to dictate their emotions and then choose to live by those emotions. Joy is a choice and every morning you have to choose to work your faith and not grow weary in well doing. 

We tend to live out and get what we expect. If we speak fear we receive our fears. If we speak faith we receive what we believe for. The Word tells us to call those things that are not as though they are. Translation: Call something to exist that doesn’t exist in the physical yet. You have set the level of expectation in your life. When a woman gets pregnant she expects that as her belly is expanding, that she’s growing a whole person in there and that they’ll hold that baby after labor. When we expect something, we are anticipating the physical appearance of something that we might not see yet but that’s what faith is. Faith is the substance of things unseen. What do you want or need to physically see that you desire or need right now? Do you need debt paid off? Do you want a new home?

Settle It Today

Whatever it is that you expect you need to get in the Word and line up what you’re believing for with the Word of God. You need to write that thing down and scriptures that support what you’re believing for. When you decide what you’re believing I want to encourage you to not back down and grow weary. You have to push through and continue on because something I heard a preacher say is that once you say it, you sign for it. 

Mark 11:24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

When you pray it, believe it, and then after that thank the Lord for it. You don’t have to ask more than once. You have to believe and be fully persuaded that the Word is true and stand on it. Settle it in your heart what you are believing for. When I say settle it I mean make a firm decision and don’t be double minded. Don’t go one day “YES LORD IT’S MINE” and then the next go “Oh… maybe not… I can’t believe for that”. Don’t be silly. Be a person who stays true to their Word. You serve a faithful God who is THE Promise Keeper. You can’t doubt Him. But truly settle this thing. Decide what you’re believing for. Stand on the Word for whatever it is. Let the Word come alive to you and press in. 

Till Next Time,


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