Step Out

September 22, 2022

Hey Y’all!

I am extra excited for all those who read today. Welcome to Pacifico! One of the things I am focusing on building through this blog is a community. I love people so much and as much as I love writing, I believe there are others who have stories to share that can help you as well no matter how big or small it may seem. Today I have one of my super amazing and inspirational friends on here, Macy Bazard. If this was a video I would ask you to make some noise for my girl Macy... well you can still do that wherever you are. I met Macy here in Tampa, FL. She was a year ahead of me in the worship program at the university we attended. She now runs a boutique for women but I think we can all learn something valuable from her about stepping out, doing things the Lord has called you to even if you feel like there’s others doing similar things out there. So after you get through this read and share it make sure to head to her social media which will all be written at the bottom! Guys, go buy a female in your life something and bless her whether it’s your mom, sister, friend, just do it. Ladies, well you know what to do!

Dream + Do

I’ve always dreamed of having my own business and being a business owner because of my mom. She has been a huge inspiration for me! She owns an insurance agency & she’s passionate about it. I love seeing how she wants to inspire and help all of her clients who have really become family to her. She even shares the love of Jesus with them! My mom is really the backbone of how I knew I wanted to do something like that.

A few months after I finished my internship at River University, I was like “Lord, what is something I can put my hands to and be faithful with?” I wanted to do something that would encourage others in who they are in Christ and I thought specifically about that during my internship... about just how important and powerful it is to know our identity in Him and to be confident in Him. Sadly, I've seen so many Christian women fall into the trap of trying to be like all the other girls in the world that they end up losing themselves and not knowing who they are in Jesus, & that’s where the idea of a boutique came from!

Although... I knew this wasn’t something I wanted to rush into because anything you’re doing with God there's always a flow and a peace. That's what I followed. I will say though I had to really just tell myself to go for it. It wasn't as easy as that may have sounded. Fear tried to come in and make me believe that I wasn’t good enough to do this, that I don't have that many resources, people won’t really support it because there's so many stores and boutiques out there, xyz but I knew that if God was putting this in my heart, who am I to tell Him no, and why not try it out and just trust Him with it! Because I have a desire to see my generation changed. A generation of women being so confident in God that they don’t feel the need to conform to every standard around them, but that they would shine for Jesus and be an inspiration.

So I spent an entire year just researching all the basics of starting specifically a clothing boutique while also praying like Lord if this is not what you want for me please take it away from me. LOL seriously. Because it wasn’t 123 abc–it was some work. It’s definitely something I could NOT do without the Lord. I did have some trial and errors here and there. There were many moments where I wanted to just give up, but the thing that fueled me was that I knew it was something the Lord put on my heart to do. I knew I wanted a place to represent and stand for modesty in a society where that's no longer cared about.

But sometimes the fear of not knowing what could happen, or what people think can be crippling. But I wasn’t going to let that stop me from pursuing it! So a few scriptures that helped me to combat any type of fear or doubt was

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” — 2 Timothy 1:7

“The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.” — Proverbs 29:25

“Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established” — Proverbs 16:3

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” — Ephesians 3:20

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6-7

And I also realized I would be the one to answer to God at the end of my life with what I did, with what he entrusted me with. I was not going to say “I was scared of what would happen or what other people thought”. Also, it's not about me in the end, it's essentially about the lives of so many other people that would be reached through this business!

On the day I announced that I was starting a boutique I almost threw up! LOL but I kept reminding myself of those verses and to really put it in God's hands. It doesn’t really matter who supports the vision or not, God is with me and my family supported me and that was what I needed.

You Can Step Out!

To this day, I am so thankful and happy that I actually just stepped and decided to go for it, because I've gotten messages from women that I don't even know saying how this business has encouraged them! And seeing just how far this business has come in just 1 year is awe-inspiring. All because I decided to trust the Lord, leave it in His hands and go for it. I still continue to see the support and encouragement from friends, strangers, family, and I'm so happy I didn’t let fear or comparison rob me of doing something amazing. I can't wait to see where God takes this!

For anyone reading this that needs that small bit of encouragement to literally just pursue what God’s placed on your heart to do... do it LOL. You don’t know what 1 year can look like, and how you can be a blessing all because you say yes to God and no to fear. That can honestly go for anything in your life. Fear is a liar, and it's not from God. Fear is not your portion, doubt is not your portion, lack is not your portion, worry is not your portion! You don’t need to accept that, but you need to speak life over what God has called you to do. Whether you think it's crazy or not. Trust God, Have faith, step out and do it.

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