Your Good Measure

April 12, 2024
Life Advice

Hey Y’all!

In Luke 10 down in verses 38 to 42 you are introduced to Mary and Martha. These are two sisters in the Bible that Jesus visits. Growing up I watched a movie called Miracle Maker which is a clay/2D animation of the miracle ministry of Jesus. I always remembered three particular scenes that always stood out to me. One of them was the scene where Martha was busy serving, distracted, and bothered by a lot but Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen closely. Mary chose the good portion and she wasn’t going to miss that! 

Luke 10:38-42 AMPC

38 Now while they were on their way, it occurred that Jesus entered a certain village, and a woman named Martha received and welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was listening to His teaching. 40 But Martha [overly occupied and too busy] was distracted with much serving; and she came up to Him and said, Lord, is it nothing to You that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me [to lend a hand and do her part along with me]! 41 But the Lord replied to her by saying, Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; 42 There is need of only one or but a few things. Mary has chosen the good portion [that which is to her advantage], which shall not be taken away from her.

What’s distracting you?

I actually believe a lot of people have an easier time being Martha’s instead of Mary’s. I’m sure Martha overall wasn’t always that way but in a sense she needed to be snapped into an eternal reality rather than a fleeting reality. What I mean by that is she was focused on the natural, on her good deeds rather than the opportunity of getting to gleam from the very Son of God being before her where whatever she needed, whatever she was worried about would be simply taken care of in the presence of Jesus. Everything we need is found in Jesus! This eternal reality is exactly that. We have a better covenant with better promises that allow us to not just have momentary peace, and momentary leading of the Holy Ghost but to have the greater one live in us! We are the temple of the Holy Ghost, we have the Word of God, and we have something that is true and surpasses this earth that will fade away. 

Isaiah 40:8

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever.

Everything in this life will pass. My one boss gave me advice one day that she followed which was by saying, “Will this matter in five years?” and it gave me perspective. Am I getting hung up on something that actually is so miniscule that when I look back I might not even remember it in the first place? 

Distractions can take away in so many different areas. It can keep you from receiving from the Word or a church service. It can keep you from healthy relationships in your life. Don’t get lost in the busyness of it all! The truth is sitting in the presence of the Lord, and meditating on the Word is the true solution to all those worries and distractions. 

What is your good portion?

Mary chose something that became something Martha was to look to. She chose to sit and listen. How often do you choose to sit and listen more than try to do things in your own strength? Our works don’t save us though we do good deeds because we reflect how the Father is also good. It’s not bad to serve, it’s not bad to clean up a messy table, it’s not bad to run an errand, or have to print something in the middle of a church service but the question is are those things keeping you from being in the presence of the Lord where you could be getting everything you need?

Be hungry and be determined to receive everything Heaven has for you day in and day out. Be committed to growth. Commitment means consistency. Consistency means that even when you don’t necessarily want to wake up early or stay up later to read your Bible you choose to because you’re committed to it. You’re committed to the relationship you have with the Lord and prioritize it over everything else because when you put God first you can’t fail. Just like my church’s youth pastor says, “If your Bible isn’t falling apart, you are” which means if you’re Bible doesn’t look like it’s been read at all then your life isn’t in order because you can’t walk out a relationship with Christ and involve Him when you ignore His written Word. 

Don’t miss it!

In March / April of 2023, I was going through some unforeseen circumstances which really put a wrench in my ability to write. It opened a supernatural door for me but it pushed back a very important trip for me. My best friend and I wanted to attend the women’s conference in Cincinnati, OH. I already had purchased my ticket but when a door to travel out of the country opened I had to push back my plans for Cincinnati. I determined in my heart though that I wouldn’t miss that women’s conference even if I came a day late and I sure did do exactly like that. I got back from Aruba Friday and woke up super early to catch a flight to Cincinnati. When I was flying I was reminded of this story and told the Lord that after everything I had been going through, that I just wanted a fresh touch and that I wanted to be like Mary and receive my good portion. I refused to miss that moment with the Lord. Sure enough, I got exactly that but I had to determine in my heart I wouldn’t miss it! I had to determine that no earthly circumstances, frustrations, or disappointments would keep me from what the Lord had. 

So today, this week, this month, this year, whenever you read this I want to encourage you to always put the presence of the Lord first. Don’t miss what the Lord has for you! Lean in and receive the fullness of His Word and remember that whatever you need the Lord already has given you! Shake off your distractions and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. He has a good portion for you that is far better than anything this world could ever offer!

Till next time,


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