In God's Hands

July 8, 2022

Dear Friend,

When I was little I remember singing, “He’s got the whooooole world in His hands, He’s got the whole world in His hands, He’s got the whooooole world in His hands, He’s got the WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS!”. When I was a kid it was simple, the Lord had every single thing in His hands. Now I’m an adult and I’m like the world is in God’s hands but some days it seems a little hard when things aren’t as simple in life like when you were 4. You have adult decisions to make, you have things you genuinely care about. When things get shaken though it should be just as easy to sing and trust “He’s got the whole world in His hands”. A lot of it means when things don’t make sense you pray. When things don’t make sense you trust. When things don’t make sense you put it in God’s hands. 


When life happens our immediate response should be to go pray. Always seek the Lord for wisdom and counsel. This should be a given. The life of a believer NEEDS to have prayer involved. 1 John 5:14, “Since we have this confidence, we can also have great boldness before him, for if we ask anything agreeable to His will, He will hear us.” I thank the Lord that I know He hears my prayers and when I pray about His perfect will in my life, that nothing can stand in the way. Prayer should be the first thing you do before going to anyone or doing anything of importance. Your first job isn’t to go to anyone but the Lord and even after that you shouldn’t really need to take it to anyone unless it’s a person of faith who can pour into you like your leaders. I like to call it doing business with God. One of the most impactful things I’ve ever heard in life is that prayer is humility. You’re coming to the Lord and saying, “Lord I need this and I need You in order to do it or make it happen because I can’t do it with my own hands or strength.” You’re showing the Lord you can’t do it. I call this God dependency over self sufficiency. When you go before the Lord and you’re asking Him things that pertain to life in godliness like it says 2 Peter 1:3 (NLT), “By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His glory and excellence.” So all this should give us confidence that no matter what, when we pray the Lord hears us and He’s already given us everything we need for it all to happen. When you pray and leave something in the Lord’s hands it’s a safe place where the Lord can speak to you and use the Holy Spirit to quiet every voice and be guided by him in your situation. Prayer is the first step to surrendering something into the Lord’s hands and keeping. 


Trust is something not everyone has an easy time with in life. The Word says we don’t put our trust in man but in Him alone. I learned this best recently in life because I’ve put trust in people when they’ve made promises and have been utterly disappointed. But you know who doesn’t disappoint? The Lord! Oh how sweet it is to trust in Jesus. Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” When something is in God’s hands you’re trusting Him wholeheartedly. You’re choosing to not look to the right or to the left, look beyond your circumstances and TRUST the Lord. I’ve learned this best in life while I’ve lived in Florida. I’ve had some unexpected circumstances happen but I learned to trust in the Lord. My god-brother Bryan and I spoke recently and he said something that resonated with me. He asked me if I heard from the Lord regarding my situation and I said absolutely and then he told me then that’s it. The Word of the Lord is the only thing that matters. When God speaks to you pertaining to something valuable to you, you cling to that Word with everything in you. You trust the Lord to finish the good work He began in His promise to you. The Lord is a promise keeper. Sometimes life makes zero sense and you ask the Lord how on earth did something get to a point but He is always in the midst. You just need to trust and listen to Him. Do what only He tells you to do. Trust His leading. The Lord isn’t here to set you up for failure but for victory and success. My motto is, the more that’s thrown at me the better the story is getting and the testimony will move people’s hearts. There’s no better way to live than trusting the Lord. Remember what His Word says He is. He’s a restorer, a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, a faithful God, a promise keeper, one who gives success and victory, a healer, a protector, a vindicator, and so much more. I can go on for days about who the Lord is and how He’s shown Himself in my life but I can only testify to those things because I gave the Lord the room to show Himself strong. I had to choose to trust Him with what I’ve prayed, placed in His hands, and surrendered in order to experience Him in every way the word says. 

In God’s Hands

This is the best place to leave anything. God is a giver. He’s not a man that He would lie, nor is He one that gives and takes away. He always gives and when He gives it’s better than you could have EVER imagined. Think about Abraham and Isaac. Isaac was a promise the Lord gave Abraham. Abraham LOVED Isaac. That was his son and the Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. So what did Abraham do? He just did it and trusted the Lord. When he was right there to finish the work the Lord provided a ram. That ram changed the course of everything and Abraham kept his son. The Lord allowed Abraham to keep Isaac, gave him a covenant, called him righteous and faithful, and counted him as a friend of God. Now the key component in this is that the most valuable thing probably to Abraham was asked to be sacrificed by the Lord. Abraham willingly did it and had his son on the altar. The Lord saw Abraham’s obedience and faithfulness and provided a redemption plan. Abraham kept his promised son from the Lord. 

Could you possibly place something dear to you in the hands of God? Abraham didn’t waver in anything with the Lord here. He did exactly as was told. But the Lord let him keep his promise. The best thing we can do as people is be obedient, pray, trust the Lord, and put things in His hands. Whenever we leave something in His hands it always comes back to us better than we left it. I think of Job who literally lost everything and was given back double. I know in my life I’ve lost some things, I’ve had to put some promises in God’s hands and trust Him, but my faith is so set on the fact that trusting the Lord is so wonderful that nothing can move me. God’s promises are yes and amen. When He speaks there’s no plan B. If God said something is right, worth it, the right direction, the right move, that’s the final say. You trust the Lord to see it through. He completes the good work He started. 

It’ll Come To Pass

God isn’t here to mess with you. He loves you and wants to bless you and take you into the promised land but it requires you to go to Him in prayer, to trust Him, and to surrender things into His hands. Sometimes it may not make any sense or it may seem as clear as day but no matter what you put your hope and faith in the Lord. He will not cut your expectation off short. He will show up and show off on your behalf because His promises are yes and amen! He’s taking you into the promised land, He’s giving you back what you thought you gave up or placed in His hands but it’s coming back to you bigger and better! He’s turning things around for you and your situation. He’s bringing restoration to broken things. He’s healing and bringing life back to you. Just trust Him and take Him for His word. The Word is alive and active. He hears your prayers and knows you best!

Love, Kez

Seek Peace + Pursue It

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