You've Done No Wrong

May 4, 2023

Hey Friends,

Weird title right? You’re probably wondering what you could’ve even potentially done wrong to read that. I recently spent two weeks at my church's River School of Healing. I had lost my voice on and off for months but when I went I got a lot more than just my voice back. I learned more about my identity and inheritance in Christ than I ever did anywhere else. The moment that changed everything was when Pastor Ryan said, “YOU’VE DONE NO WRONG!” He was quoting Paul in 2 Corinthians 7:2 where Paul says, “Receive us; we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.” 

The Old You? Who’s That? Don’t Remember Them

When I had that statement in healing school I realized the depth to it as Pastor Ryan explained that statement. Paul is writing to a church where he probably had someone sentenced or killed that was related to or close to someone in the Corinthian church but because of his revelation of the blood of Jesus he could make such a bold statement saying he’s wronged no one because… well he hasn’t.

Oftentimes we carry what people say about us and take it to heart even if it’s not true. The worst part is that as we take it to heart we become what we hear because we believe it. Now, if you’re told a lot of great things that’s wonderful but if you’re constantly told “you made a mistake”, “you ruined your life”, “I’m disappointed in you”, “you’re a failure”, or “you are a piece of work/hard to deal with” then you will most likely look in a mirror and see that. The great news is that you don’t have to! The greatest gift of all time is salvation because with it we receive healing, joy, freedom from poverty, and more. When you receive Jesus you get to put on the nature of Christ and throw off the old sin nature we were born with. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 AMPC says, “Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!” 

That means you are a completely different person! The old you doesn’t matter. Yes, you can reference it in your testimony if you choose to so that you bring the Lord honor and glory but you can forget it too. You’ve been washed by the blood when you accepted Jesus and became a new man! This is why it’s important to repent. When we repent we get washed. Think about it like this. You go out and you’re wearing a white shirt and get sauce on it. You might cover it with a sweater, tuck the shirt in, etc. That’s what the old covenant was like. Their sacrifices and offerings would just cover that stain. Imagine never getting a stain out of a white shirt and always knowing it was there even though it’s covered. THANK THE LORD THAT’S NOT US! We get to have washers that take that stain right out and you get to wear a shirt that’s like new. That’s what the blood of Jesus has done for us. It’s made us white as snow, it’s removed any spot or blemish in our history. 

Forget About It

You can forget ALL of the past. People might not see you that way but who cares! The Lord sees you that way and that is most important!

Philippians 3:13-14 AMPC says, “I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do [it is my one aspiration]: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward.”

You can’t keep walking forward if your neck is always looking back. It’s going to hurt you. We can forget but it’s a choice you have to be willing to make. Choose to forget. God forgot so why are we carrying something that the Lord doesn’t even remember? You have to release it and erase it. That means let go of the self blame, let go of what everybody else said and did too. Forget it altogether. It’ll only hold you back if you can’t let it go. You should identify with what the Word says. It says you’re loved, anointed, righteous, etc. See it and walk in it! 

I didn’t know what I was holding onto until I sat and heard all this teaching on identity in healing school. I was carrying stuff that was said about me since I was a kid. Constantly being told I made a mistake by moving to Florida really took a toll on me. Being told I wasted my time by going to school for ministry and music. Then there were some situations I found myself in when I was being told throughout life that I was a disappointment and a slew of things. I didn’t realize that’s why I walked with my head down all these years until I heard “you’ve done no wrong.” It was like years of guilt and self condemnation and telling myself I’m the issue, I have problems, and thinking I ruined everything in my life up and left me when I heard “you’ve done no wrong.” In that moment I forgave people who I thought hurt me and I have forgave myself for any hurt I could’ve caused. No one has done me wrong and I’ve never done anyone wrong. I stand under the blood and washed by it. I forget. I became detached to the memories of my past and it was by far one of the most liberating moments in my life. I drove home shouting “I’VE DONE NO WRONG.” I was able to do that because I haven’t. I repented and the Lord forgot it all and I chose to forget it too. You can have that freedom too. You can walk in that forgiveness and lack of remembrance. 

A New Way Of Living

Choose today to walk in the light of your future, forgetting all things of your past. It is so much better when you realize what the Lord has done for you through the blood of Jesus. That sacrifice changed everything for people like me and you. This is the new and right way of living. A life with Jesus, knowing who you are, and walking in it. You are the righteousness of God. You are loved. You are clean. You are amazing. You are powerful. You are anointed. You have a call of God on your life. You have done no wrong. 

I 100% recommend our healing school even if you think you don’t need it. 



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