New Year, Same Me

January 6, 2023

11:59 and then before we can blink twice the clock strikes midnight! Another year has come and gone. I always chuckle when people say “New Year, New Me” because just because the clock changed and a new year arrived, that doesn’t make YOU a new person. The only thing that makes you new is the Lord. We work towards replacing habits that might not be the best with ones that are more desirable. IE: healthier diets, working out, reading, etc. These are ALL important things but people typically don’t make it past January with those things. At the core of every person is that same person. Today is Pacifico’s first birthday! It’s a new year for us but it’s the same message. Still learning and teaching to seek peace and pursue it daily! Together we’ve shared 26 blog posts, 5 guest writers, and sweet testimonies from people about how they’ve learned and been impacted by what’s been shared. So how do we continue to seek peace and the pursuit of that to be a continual goal this upcoming year? 

Colossians 3:15 AMPC

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].

When you put the Lord first and rule in your heart then peace will be a fruit of that. How do you put the Lord first? Make room in your day to seek Him. You need to make time to read your word AND pray. You need both! The word is the bread of life and prayer (especially praying in the spirit) is a direct connection to the Lord. When you do that you let your spirit man become more discerning and you’ll know what things are full of peace and what to do about the things that are trying to disrupt that peace. In the TPT translation of Colossians 3:15 it says that the Lord has called us to peace as part of the body of Christ. 

Peace is YOUR portion. Not anxiety, worry, living a life of constant questioning. You can live like this. You can live with ease. That’s not saying testing and situations won’t come but you will be able to handle it by following the peace of God! 

If you haven’t experienced that peace yet, if you haven’t accepted that invitation into the body of Christ then I encourage you to go on over to “Because He First Loved Us” or “Life Worth Keeping” and read to the end to accept Christ into your heart. If you already have then make sure to share with a friend, family member, or stranger!

Here’s to another year of growing with the Lord and all He has in store for you! Here we have the same goal despite a new year and we encourage you to make goals, make changes, but as I’ve been taught through many “keep the main thing, the main thing”. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. There are exciting things ahead so stick around! 

Seek Peace + Pursue It!


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