Joy to the World

December 24, 2022

Hey Friends! 

Merry Christmas Eve and if you’re someone who opens gifts at midnight like my family, Merry Christmas to you! I won’t keep you long but I wanted to just remind you why today is one of the most special days of the year. I love Christmas! I love decorating cookies, going to Christmas parties with friends, seeing my family, giving gifts, and everything else in between. Oftentimes I’ll take a moment to remember why everyone is just so cheery around this time though. It’s because Jesus came to bring JOY to the world. I’m not saying that there aren’t people that experience any other emotion but happiness during this time but there is something undeniable about the excitement and happiness that lingers in the air during this time of year. 

For those who have experienced any second in the presence of Jesus knows it’s absolutely joyous. That’s why Psalm 16:11 says that in His presence is fullness of joy. When the story of Jesus is told in Luke it says that the world was going to be filled with great joy referring to the coming of Jesus. A life with Jesus brings peace and every fruit of the spirit. He came so that we could know Him, know what it is to TRULY live with joy, peace, faith, etc. When Jesus died and rose again He didn’t leave us without His presence but He came to dwell in our hearts and gave us the promised Holy Spirit. With that combination nothing in life can outweigh the joy, peace that surpasses all understanding, and hope that you’ve been given. As believers we get to carry this great joy in us everyday, not just at Christmas. 

Now to those who don’t know this joy… YOU CAN LIVE LIKE THIS TOO! It’s so simple. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. He came to bring everybody hope and a future. He came to show us a love so deep that life is even more beautiful in valuable when you open your eyes to see it. I invite you to join in on this great joy by asking Jesus into your heart. 

Repeat this out loud: Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. Wash me and cleanse me. Thank you for dying on the cross for me and that you’re coming back again for me! Thank you that I can live with joy and peace while sharing it with others. Give me a passion for the lost and a hunger for the things of God. I’m saved, I’m free, I have great joy! Amen.

Remember that today isn’t about the food you’ll eat, the songs you’ll sing or hear, or the gifts you’ll get but it’s the fact we get to celebrate the greatest joy to enter the world – Jesus. As my dad always told me growing up with all the enthusiasm in the world “Jesus is the Reason for the Season!” All the smiles you share are not just because of what you’re experiencing but that it’s overflowing from the inside of you. 

Merry Christmas!


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