That's A Wrap

December 31, 2022

Hey Friend!

Happy New Year's Eve! It’s that time of the year, everyone is eating leftovers and getting some holiday food in before the New Year’s resolutions and fasting gets in. I just wanted to hop on and encourage you to look at your year as a whole and choose to see the way God has shown up whether it was providing something you needed or the simple yet important things like waking up in the morning and make some goals. 

As you prep for this upcoming year and set some goals into place remember that no great goal goes anywhere without a plan in place to get there. Everyone has a finish line to cross but you can’t get there if you don’t run and drink water. Proverbs 16 says that if you commit your plans to the Lord you’ll succeed! So this upcoming year get God involved from the very beginning! You’ll see His hand in everything when you allow Him into even the smallest of details. 

5 types of goals you should look to set this year are spiritual, relational, financial, physical, and creative goals. Spiritual: what do you want to grow in from the word and what are spiritual gifts you desire. 1 Corinthians 12:31 says to eagerly desire spiritual gifts so the Lord can use you. Set a soul goal, decide what you want to study, increase your time praying, etc. Decide how you want to see the relationships in your life grow whether it be in intentionality, making more time for others, or even limiting how much time you’re spending with others to have more time with the Lord. Financially you should choose to increase your giving from the previous year. Tithe but also give offerings! Physically, how can you improve your diet and keep yourself in shape? Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and you only get this one once so how can you take care of it. Creatively, what has the Lord given you a talent in that you can multiply? Creativity does not always mean just music and the arts. What can you creatively use in your hands that the Lord has put there? Multiply your talents!

Take a moment now to reflect on what you’ve accomplished, what you haven’t, what you’ve seen and or haven’t seen this year and ask the Lord what you need to do to keep yourself growing towards what’s in your spirit this upcoming year. Make sure to also taste and see the goodness of God in your life in every way and give Him praise for all He’s done this past year and all the years before. Even if you feel it was harder, you may not see how you’ve been cared for or protected yet. Open your eyes to see how your year was wrapped in God’s goodness. 

That’s a wrap 2022! Happy New Year!


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