Reflect & Rejoice

November 23, 2022

Hi Friends!

It’s already the holiday season and I can hardly believe it. Just a year ago I was getting this blog ready and it has been a fun year. I’ve learned a lot… But I’ll save the sappier things for the actual blog’s birthday. As fast as this year has come and gone I’m reminded of a lot of experiences. 


Heading into Thanksgiving – though in my heart Christmas is socially acceptable in October and we pause for that wonderful Thursday in November – I’m always reminded to reflect on the year much like when December 31st comes around. My family every year goes around the table and shares one thing they’ve been grateful for. I want to encourage you to reflect on this past year of life and no matter how it looked be grateful that you are here today! If you’ve had what you consider the best year of your life and you’re overflowing with gratitude, I am happy for you and rejoice with you! Those of you who have what may feel like a rougher year I’m here to tell you there is so much good in every moment you just have to choose to see it. Maybe you got exactly what you wanted out of life or maybe you got blindsided. In either of those cases the Lord was with you in all of it this year if you allowed Him to be. If you feel blindsided it could very well be that the Lord has spared you, protected you, and steered you into the right direction and you need to open your eyes to see it. 

Psalm 103 says, “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.” That means all that you are praises the Lord, you give Him thanks, you bless Him for everything. David wrote that and he lived quite the life. No matter how accomplished or far life may take you or if life seems less than what you hoped for just open your eyes and don’t forget a single thing the Lord has done. Remember how He’s given you wisdom, prosperity, protection, life, abundance, guidance, and so much more. Sometimes people get so caught in their own pity party or get so big headed over their accomplishments that they forget to keep their eyes on Jesus and as we come into the holiday season where it’s all about thankfulness and the celebration of Jesus coming to this earth remember. Remember and reflect on your life.


When you reflect on your life and especially this past year it should cause you to rejoice. Some people didn’t make it to today, some people have lost sight of it but you’re here and you didn’t! The Lord KEPT YOU! There’s a reason why Psalm 103 says “May I never forget”. May you never forget all that the Lord has done because it keeps you in a place of rejoicing and humility. Through that you can also know that you can go before the Lord and receive whatever you ask for according to the word but you can’t forget, you can’t stop giving Him praise or thanks.

When you sit at the table today and everyday remind yourself of the goodness of God even in that day alone. Maybe traffic was long but you made it home in one piece. Maybe work was long but you make a wage and that’s seed to sow and a tithe you get to give that keeps you in the blessing of God. Maybe it was a stressful day but you serve a good God who gives you His light burden and easy yoke. Stay in a place of remembrance and gratefulness. As you reflect and rejoice this holiday season remember that it’s not just for the holidays but for everyday life. 

Happy Thanksgiving and Here’s to the Holiday Season!

Keziah-Grace Lopes

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