Who Told You?

September 9, 2022

Hi Friends, 

We’ve been a little bothered… by we I mean Bri and myself. We’ve been observing things in the world and it’s shocking how many christians accept things that are not their portion. We are here to ask you 1. Who told you? And 2. Tell you that you do not have to accept a “bless this mess” lifestyle. The Lord speaks a better word and there is no reason why should ever blatantly accept anything out of line with the word. Depression? Not your portion. Anxiety? Not your portion. A bad relationship with your family? Not your portion. Feeling sick? Not your portion. Bad doctors report? Not your portion. Stop accepting these nonsense words over your life. It doesn’t have to be that way. We are not “taught” through having depression or anxiety or sickness. We are redeemed by the blood. There is no room for that in the life of a believer. Not everything that you think or feel is what you actually think or feel. That’s why we cast down vain imaginations!

Who Told You?

Bri - Back in 2017, I moved to Tampa to come to RBI (now River University) for bible school. One of the first classes I ever took here was called “Healing School.” Our teacher for that class, Pastor PJ, had a catchphrase the entire time that always stuck with me. He used to always ask us: “Who told you?” For a while, I didn’t always get why he was saying it, but now I do. You are the way you are, because of the way you think you are. So now I’m going to ask you the same thing. Who told you? Who told you that you were sick? Who told you that you aren’t loved? Who told you that you were depressed or that you had anxiety? Who told you that you were poor? Who told you that you’d never succeed? As a believer, you have access to everything the Word of God says you can have, therefore, you don’t have to believe the things people say to you, and you don’t have to believe the negative thoughts or lies of the enemy that contradict the word. The bible says that we are blessed, that we are healed, that we are loved, chosen, called, prosperous, forgiven and so much more — but the thing about the word, is that you must choose to believe it and walk in it! The bible says in John 10:10 that, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” So you must make a conscious decision as a believer to conquer your thought life, to change your mindset, to renew your mind with the word of God, and to walk in it that abundant life that was bought and paid for on the cross.

Kez - Having known Bri for a few years now, being roommates, and experiencing a lot in life together, something we have always told each other is “who told you ___” whenever we would catch the other letting fear or doubt knock on the door. We don’t have to accept negative reports. If someone told you that you’re depressed and anxious you’ll certainly take on those titles if you allow yourself to. But who told you that it had to be that way? Is the blood not sufficient? I remember recently having a conversation with Bri where a lot of things in my past were surfacing and a small thought came to my head that I was failing in life. That thought was not biblical, it was not sound. So who told me that? Myself? The enemy whispering in my ear? People? It doesn’t really matter how the thought came. What matters is that I had to adjust my attitude real quick because the only thing I should be told is what’s in line with the word. I should only accept what’s in the word. I can walk in perfect health, I can live a life of abundance. The catch is that I have to choose those things. I don’t have to accept the doctor's report. When I was 16 I was diagnosed with abdominal migraines. You know what I did? I stood on the word and told the Lord that His word says that I was already healed so I’m healed. The manifestation came not even two months later. I decided to listen to what the Lord’s word says instead of a mere man. You need to understand that living like this is beyond the supernatural but seeing things with the eyes of faith through the spirit!

Not Your Portion

Bri - Something I learned a lot over the years… is that just because it’s there - doesn’t mean it’s yours. For example, if you go to a restaurant and everyone at the table orders something to eat and your friend has a portion of steak in front of them…just because it’s on the same table, that does not make it yours to eat. In the same way, just because the thought is there, that doesn’t make it your thought. Just because the “symptom” is there.. that doesn't make the disease or illness yours. Just because your finances might say one thing, that doesn't make it your reality. We all have a choice to make in life, like I said earlier, and we must choose what we are going to believe and walk in. I made the choice to walk in what the word says I can have. For years, even before I fully understood the power of my confession, I decided to always declare “I don’t get sick” and as a result, in my 25 years of life, I've rarely been sick. I decided I was going to not only walk in health, but in prosperity & joy & peace & love. Regardless of what things look like in the natural, I’ve made a conscious decision to confess the word over every situation that might come my way. And if I can do it, I know anyone who reads this can too! Make the choice today to live in the reality of the word of God! 

Kez - Portions are not just about food! Although food is really great… Portions have to do with something you can take and make yours. So while food does apply to portions it applies to other things in life too. I earlier talked about how we can choose things that are our portion. So let’s look at what word says is ours. Galatians 5:13 says, “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” Deuteronomy 28:1-14 says that we’re blessed and tells us all the blessing we can have if we obey all the Lord’s commands. Philippians says that God is the God of peace and we’re endowed that. Isaiah says that by His wounds we WERE healed. The word says that He would prosper me even as my soul prospers. The word says that the blood has made us white as snow. That’s your portion. It’s health, it’s liberty, it’s freedom. Stop accepting all the societal norms that they’ve put on everyone these days. I’m not negating that people have issues but the blood of Jesus is stronger than anything, the love of God is something we can’t even fathom and between the blood and love of the Lord we don’t have to carry those labels with us. We can drop them and walk in that freedom and redemption knowing that we never have to walk with the weight of these things a single day moving forward. I used to deal with severe depression. I mean… I tried killing myself 7 times between the ages of 9 and 13. Who does that? How does someone go from depressed and suicidal to completely free and loving life in a matter of seconds? The Lord. It came down to recognizing that’s not the life the Lord wanted for me and that He had so much more in store and allowed Him to give me peace, joy, and life. The door was always open to have those things, I just had to choose it. Joy is my portion as long as I keep deciding to let it.

Make Your Decision!

The bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”  You can put the word of God on your lips & frame the world you’re living in! God has called you to be free & to live free! Let go of the anxiety, let go of the doubts, let go of the bad thoughts. Change your mindset, change your words, & speak the truth of God. You have to realize that you were bought with a price (“for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” - 1 Corinthians 6:20). Once you get the revelation of your value, of who you are in Christ & what you have available to you, you will begin to walk in freedom like never before. 

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